Interview With John Lobell on The Architecture & Philosophy of Louis Kahn

Principal and Architect of ROST Architects, Mitchell Rocheleau, meets with John Lobell, a professor at Pratt Institute and expert on Louis Kahn, to discuss the architecture and philosophy of Louis Kahn.

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A Brief Architectural and Archaeological History of Stonehenge

What makes Stonehenge so captivating? This enigmatic Neolithic monument offers a window into our past and the lives of our ancestors. Stonehenge provides insights into their values, societal norms, and psychology. It unveils their astonishing level of sophistication, intricate communication networks, complex collaboration methods, and a deeply intuitive community with a profound understanding of materials, construction techniques, ecology, and astronomy. This megalithic marvel has the potential to enlighten us about our own journey and the evolution of our species.

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The Story Behind the Architecture and Construction of the Roman Baths in Bath, England

I want to take you on a journey back in time in the southwest of present-day Britain, near a bend in the river Avon. Here, a natural geological process dispelled warm, mineral-rich water from deep within the earth.

The ancient people who inhabited this area believed these healing and mystical waters were a gift from the gods and were presided over by an ancient goddess named Sulis.

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The Story of Taliesin West: A New Way of Living

Why is Taliesin West significant in the history of American culture and Architecture? Taliesin West was a petri dish breeding a new lifestyle based on freedom, connection with nature, and a spirit of innovation. It challenged the conventional way of living at the time through its philosophies, daily rituals, and the work that was produced there. Most importantly, its architecture was a direct reflection of this lifestyle.

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Contemplations of the Built World: Our Architectural Philosophy

Principal and Architect of ROST Architects, Mitchell Rocheleau, discusses how ROST Architects' design philosophy incorporates the existing landscape and environment of a property into its residential designs, allowing nature to lead the way and providing inhabitants the experience of a reconnection and grounding with the nature that surrounds them.

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The Architecture and Philosophy of Louis Kahn

Louis Kahn's architecture tells a larger story about a cultural shift in America in the first half of the 20th century. It was the shift into Modernism and a departure from historical traditions of the past. Ignited by the ideas of the Enlightenment, where rationalism, individualism, and science reigned supreme, these ideas spawned a new modern architectural movement that catalyzed a departure from historical traditions. Efficiency, profit, abstraction, and mechanization drove the new modern architecture

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Our Architectural Philosophy

Rost Architects summarizes how its design philosophy incorporates the existing landscape and environment of a property into its residential designs, allowing nature to lead the way and providing inhabitants the experience of a reconnection and grounding with the nature that surrounds them.

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Mitchell Rocheleau
The Sacred Life of Home and City

Deep into our ancient past, humans have been building sacred spaces. These came in the form of megalithic monuments, temples, ziggurats, pyramids, cathedrals, shrines, and mosques, among countless others. Spirituality, ritual, myth, and religion consumed their daily lives. Our ancestors created sacred spaces on Earth to honor and connect with their gods and the heavens.

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Mitchell Rocheleau
Values of the City

Understanding a culture’s collective psychology/values and deciphering how those ideas manifest in their built environment can help inform how we build cities for the future. Despite the importance of such studies, it is rare to stumble upon someone who writes about the intersection of psychology and the built environment, especially one who expresses ideas clearly and accessibly.

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Interview With Roderick Beaton on Ancient Greek Cities & Culture

Mitchell Rocheleau, meets with Roderick Beaton to discuss Ancient Greek Culture & Cities, and the impact it has on modern day city design.

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Urban and Architectural History of Venice, Italy

Throughout its existence, Venice and its people have had a unifying narrative: the struggle against water. Although the rising sea levels have resulted in death, destruction, and flooding, it has also served a valuable role as the collective antagonist of the Venetian people. It is human nature to band together when faced with a common challenge or adversary. Through necessity and under the constant threat of rising tides, Venetians developed ingenuity, a work ethic, and a common purpose. The bond created by this struggle has been one of the key ingredients to the progress and prosperity of Venice.

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History, Design and Philosophy Behind Central Park in New York City

Why is Central Park important for our generation to understand? Why would a park constructed in the late 1800’s be significant to our contemporary society? Central Park depicted a moment in our civilization when humans experienced a shift and moment of self-awareness regarding our nature as humans and the environment we were creating. In the late 1800s, New Yorkers stopped and questioned the growing and developing city around them.

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