Posts in History
Architecture, Psychology, and Reintegration of Nature into our Environments

At first glance, architecture and psychology may seem to be disparate fields with little in common. Over time, however, I have uncovered ideas that have informed how I think about the built environment and influenced my architectural practice. Most notably, Carl Jung’s conception of the primitive unconscious and the natural world has profoundly impacted my design approach and philosophy.

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The History of Gothic Cathedrals: The Architecture of Light

Gothic cathedrals are testaments to medieval Europe's ingenuity, spiritual fervor, and artistic brilliance. With their intricate detailing and imposing facades, these towering structures invite admiration and contemplation, drawing millions each year who seek to connect with a bygone era.

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The Story of Notre Dame Cathedral: A Chronicle of Construction and Restoration

The Notre Dame Cathedral is a testament to architectural innovation, spiritual influence, and human ingenuity. Its construction, spanning several centuries, showcases the evolution of Gothic architecture and mirrors Paris's flourishing economy and cultural development. By exploring the cathedral's architecture, construction, and history, I hope to provide insight into how it transcended its role as a Cathedral and developed into a cultural icon.

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The Story Behind The Architecture and Construction of St. Peter's Basilica

At the heart of Vatican City, St. Peter's Basilica stands as a monumental testament to Renaissance architecture's ingenuity and the Christian faith's enduring spirit. This iconic structure has captivated visitors and worshippers for centuries with its imposing façade, towering dome, and sacred interior. Its architectural history is a tapestry woven from the visions of legendary architects such as Bramante, Michelangelo, and Bernini. Each contributed their genius to the Basilica's construction, leaving a lasting legacy.

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The Story Behind the Architecture and Construction of St. Paul's Cathedral and Sir Christopher Wren

The construction of St. Paul’s Cathedral helped breathe new life into the city. It created jobs and a new identity for London and served as a monument that brought people together. It marked the beginning of London’s development into a global capital.

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Why You Should Study Architecture History

If studied closely, architecture can provide glimpses into human history. It can give insight into our ancestors' customs, rituals, technologies, religions, and daily life. Architecture can provide a deeper understanding of the evolution and development of the human species. It allows us to have a holistic perspective on our place in the context of humanity. From prehistoric structures to contemporary architecture, we can see what was important to humans at the time and what were they trying to say through their buildings.

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The Architecture of Sunnylands Home, Visitor Center and Gardens - The Annenberg Estate

Nestled in the foothills of Palm Desert, California, the Annenberg Estate is a stunning example of mid-century modern architecture. The estate sits about 25 minutes southeast of downtown Palm Springs. Built in 1960 by renowned architect A. Quincy Jones for media mogul Walter Annenberg, the original estate is comprised of 25,000 square foot house on 200 acres.

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The Story of Sagrada Familia and Architect Antoni Gaudi

The Sagrada Familia in Barcelona Spain, by architect Antoni Gaudi is a seminal work of architecture. It is renowned world wide for its innovative design and engineering. Listen to the story of how the cathedral came to fruition and why it is one of the most important works of architecture in history. We hope you enjoy.

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A Brief History of The Robie House by Frank Lloyd Wright

The Fredrick Robie House, located in the Chicago neighborhood of Hyde Park, is one of the most iconic examples of modernist architecture. Designed by renowned architect Frank Lloyd Wright in 1909, the house has been called "the most important building of the twentieth century" and "the greatest work of architecture America has produced."

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The Story of the Florence Cathedral, Santa Maria del Fiore

Santa Maria del Fiore, also known as the Duomo of Florence, is an iconic architectural landmark in the Tuscan capital. It is a stunning masterpiece of architecture and stands as one of the most recognizable buildings in Europe. The great dome that covers the structure was designed by Filippo Brunelleschi and completed in 1436 – making it one of the oldest domes still standing today.

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A Brief Architectural History of The Roman Pantheon

No other building has been referred to or echoed in architecture more than the Pantheon. Architects worldwide have extracted principles from this building throughout the course of history. It is one of the most used precedents in architecture. Check out our article to learn more about the Pantheon in Rome.

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The Story of the Farnsworth House

The Farnsworth House (1945 - 1951) is an iconic work of modern American architecture. It was designed by renowned modern architect Mies van der Rohe in 1937 and was the first home he designed in America. The house sits in Plano, Illinois, about 1.5 hours southwest of Chicago. 

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The Story Behind the Architecture and Construction of The Louvre Museum

I.M. Pei’s Grand Louvre is a masterpiece of modern architecture. I was fortunate to travel to the Louvre in 2012 and spent multiple days at the museum. Learn more about the story behind the design and construction of the Louvre Museum.

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Ten Things You Should Know About the Case Study House Program

The case study house program was an experimental program set up by John Entenza through Arts and Architecture Magazine, that facilitated the design, construction and publishing of modern single-family homes. The goal was to highlight modern homes constructed with industrial materials and techniques that could help solve the housing needs after WWII.

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Five Things You Should Know About Architect Paul R. Williams

Paul R. Williams was an extraordinary man and a prolific Architect practicing during Hollywood’s Golden age. He worked on a wide variety of projects including churches, airports, public housing, courthouses, and offices; however, he is best known for his luxury custom homes. He produced over 3,000 projects spanning nearly 6 decades.

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A Brief History of the Hearst Castle and Architect Julia Morgan

On the California coast, halfway between Los Angeles and San Francisco, high up on the hill, sits a true masterpiece of California architecture, the Hearst Castle. The Hearst Castle was brought into fruition through Julia Morgan, an unassuming, shy and passionate architect and William Randolph Hearst, a wealthy media tycoon who shared Morgan’s passion and interest in art and architecture. Through the collaboration of these two individuals, the Hearst Castle emerged out of the hill and would become a landmark for California history and culture of the 20th century.

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Eight Things You Should Know About The Barcelona Pavilion

The German Pavilion, also known as the Barcelona Pavilion, was originally presented at the Barcelona International Exposition on May 26, 1929 by King Alfonso the 13th and Queen Victoria Eugenie of Spain. The pavilion was intended to represent Germany's new identity as a peaceful and prosperous nation signifying a fresh start following World War I. Check out our article to learn more about the Barcelona Pavilion

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Six Things You Should Know About Southern California Architect Rudolph Schindler

Why is Rudolph Schindler an important figure in the history of California modern architecture? What were the forces that influenced the development of his architectural aesthetic? Why is his legacy and impact important to the profession today? We will attempt to answer these questions and more in this article on modern architect Rudolph Schindler.

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Five Things to Learn From Palm Springs Architect William Krisel

William Krisel is one of Palm Springs most notable mid century architects. He is best known for his tract developments in Palm Springs. Throughout his career, Krisel produced fantastic modern architecture while maintaining a “down to earth” approach. He never forgot that architecture was ultimately for people and must respect economy, constructability and the market.

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