Posts in Ancient Architecture
The Dark Side of Ancient Roman Cities

Rome's history is often presented as a glittering metropolis full of architectural excellence, sophisticated engineering, extensive paved roads, and glorious monuments. Our contemporary entertainment industry romanticizes the tales of Roman emperors, warriors, gladiators, and politicians. When we visit the ruins, we imagine the daily life of ancient Rome as a pageant of prosperity and industriousness that supported the growth of an ancient utopia. These aspects and portrayals of Rome have a degree of truth behind them. However, a darker side of Rome managed to evade the limelight.  

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Forces that Shaped Ancient Greek Cities and Culture

Many factors shaped ancient Greek cities. The natural landscape, climate, religious beliefs, philosophy, literature, politics, law, sport, art, theater, and psychology amalgamated to create genuinely unique cities and a thriving culture. Many aspects of Greek civilizations still form the basis of modern Western culture and society; however, we have also made significant diversions, which I believe deserve close assessment. Can certain aspects and values of ancient Greek cities and culture be re-integrated into our contemporary societies to help improve our current condition?

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Early History of Cities and The Development of the Urban Form

How did cities develop? Many of us take our environments for granted without questioning how and why they evolved into the forms we see today. In his book The City in History, Lewis Mumford provides a fascinating account of the history of cities. His interpretation dissects the complex forces that led to their creation. He discusses what forms these forces manifest themselves in throughout human development.

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