After helping many clients select land for their custom home and going through the process personally, we’ve developed a list of the top seven most important variables to consider and analyze when buying land to build a custom home on. This list is by no means comprehensive, however it should provide you with a good starting point to begin assessing whether or not a piece of land will be suitable for your project.
1. Review zoning codes, building codes and other regulatory codes applicable to the land

rost architects interviews with hoss real estate brokerage. Click here to watch more excerpts of the interview.
The first thing you will want to do is check what type of use the lot is zoned for. Most jurisdictions have online G.I.S. systems that will allow you to enter the address of the prospective lot and it will list the zone that it falls under. You want to be sure that the use listed conforms with use that you intend to build on the lot. For example an R-1 zoning allows single family residences to be built on the property. If you plan to build an accessory dwelling unit/mother-in-law quarters/guest house on your property, you want to be sure that the zoning code allows for this. (CLick here to read our article on Accessory dwelling units.) To find this you could set up a meeting with a planner at the local planning department in your jurisdiction or consult with an architect who is familiar with the local codes.
Click here to watch our video on the building and zoning codes.
2. Has a soils report been done on the land?
Ask your realtor to contact the current or past land owners to see if a soils report has been done on the property. The more technical name of a soils report is a "Geological Investigation/Report." If a report has been done for the property, try to review the structural foundation recommendations in the report from the engineer. The type and quality of soil on the site will dictate the type of foundation recommended. Some soil types require simple slab on grade foundations which are relatively inexpensive and easy to build. Other soil types such as expansive clay may require deep piles or a mat slab foundation which can become incredibly expensive. If your final budget cannot accommodate this, it may be prudent to look at other pieces of land. Paying a soils engineer or architect to review the soils on the site could help prevent you from purchasing land which will require extensive foundation work.
Take a look at the frontage of the property to see if there are water, electric, gas and communication hookups. If these utilities are not are not present at the site, it could be very costly to have the utility companies bring the lines up to the site.
4. Is there vehicular access to the site?
Proper vehicular access to the site is very important. If the slope of the lot is too steep to allow a car to get down to the building pad, costly soil retaining systems may need to be installed to build a road down to the building pad.
5. What is the slope of the site?
We’ve had lots of experience designing and building on steeply sloped sites. The goal of a steeply sloped site is to balance out the amount of cut and fill on the property without having to export earth off of the site. Also you want to be sure that the cuts needed on the site are not too deep. Typically we find that limiting cuts to under 15’-0” is a good rule of thumb. If cuts get too deep, shoring systems may be required which can get extremely PRICEY.
6. Is it near the coast or a body of water? (California Specific)
Click here to watch our video on building a home along the coast. Many of our projects are along the coast. If a prospective lot for your new home is near the coast you may be subject to the requirements of the California Coastal Act. Click here to read our article on the california coastal commission. The California Coastal Act is administered by the California Coastal Commission and the local planning departments in the jurisdiction where the property is located. If your property is subject to review by the California Coastal Commission, the review process can be lengthy and often have significant scheduling impacts. We have been involved in projects where the review process has taken over a year.
7. Review any easements recorded on the title
You will typically have an opportunity to review the title report on the property during the escrow period of the transaction. If you can review the report prior to entering escrow that is preferable. During your review, ask your real estate agent and the title company to review any easements or CC&R's on the property. CC&R's stands for codes, covenants and restrictions. These can be recorded on the property title along with easements.
to see how rost architects begins the design process for a custom home, click here.
If you have questions about these items or would like us to review a property with you prior to purchase, click here and fill out the form on our web-page.
After the design and engineering are complete, permits are secured, and a General Contractor agreement is established, the next phase of the project is construction. During the construction of a home, an Architect will offer Construction Administration or “CA” services. Below is an outline of the typical Construction Administration services that your Architect will offer during the Construction phase of your home
With each project it is critical to have a qualified, competent and experienced builder to construct the home. The quality of the builder will drastically effect the construction experience and outcome of the home. Check out the article to read more about what an Architect does during the bidding process to help the owner select the right builder for the job.
The Construction Documentation phase of the project is customarily the third phase in a typical project. The “CD” or Construction Documentation phase is exactly what it says, the Architectural team will be producing the documents that will be used during construction to build the home. (To learn more about the preceding phases, Schematic Design and Design Development, click on the respective links.)
Recently Rost Architects invested in a large format high resolution 3D Printer for the office. We are now offering 3D printing to all of our clients on their custom home projects. To learn more about how to 3D print your home, check out our article. We hope you enjoy.
The design development phase of a project is the pivotal phase where the design starts to become real. During this phase, the Architectural team takes the owner approved schematic design and dives deeper into the more technical related components of the building, continues to refine the design from many different angles. This article highlights the key tasks that our team will be working on during the design development phase of your custom home project.
The customary Architectural Services are typically divided into four phases. They are; Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documents, and Construction Administration. The Schematic Design phase of the project is the first phase of the project and in our opinion one of the most important phases. Check out our article to learn more about this phase of a project.
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Working with a hybrid architecture and interior design firm has many benefits. Our interior design team and architecture team work closely together to develop projects with a cohesive design on both the interior and exterior of the building.
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Selecting the right Architecture firm for your residential project can be difficult. Depending on the project, it can often mean entering into a 1-3 year relationship. During this time there will be challenges and hurdles to overcome. You will be working closely with your project team therefore, it is critical that you can communicate effectively and your personalities are compatible.
In our custom homes, the kitchen counter material is often one of the first selections made in the finish pallet. Kitchen surfaces are usually focal points in our designs and set the tones, textures and feeling for the rest of the materials in the space. The surfaces are used and engaged with daily, therefore it is critical to get the material selection right in terms of aesthetics and functionality. The article outlines some of the most common materials we use for kitchen counter tops and the pros/cons of each material.
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In May 2019, Rost Architects was featured on CBS “This is L.A.” The film crew came into our office to see how we work, talk about recent projects and meet the team. It was a great experience and we were thrilled to be featured on the program.
Rost Architects explains seven things you should look for when buying land to build your custom home. To learn more, check out the article here.
Learn why it is important to understand the “General Conditions” in the contract for construction when building your custom home.